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2013-10-18 19:21 点击次数 :









  二、 2003-2007年我国航天科学技术各专业领域进展















  在液体火箭发动机技术方面,“长征”系列一级和助推级、二级发动机的主要关键技术已基本突破;在固体火箭发动机方面,深圳新闻资讯 ,各类发动机的研制工作取得突破性进展;在轨、姿控发动机技术方面,已形成32个品种的发动机系列型谱。








  建立了关键零部件设计制造一体化系统等快速响应制造技术;形成了高精度加工技术系统等精密超精密加工技术;开发了离子束加工工艺与设备等特种加工技术;具备了熔模精铸工艺技术等热加工和精密成形技术能力; TIG自动焊接技术等先进连接技术已开始广泛应用;表面防热涂层工艺技术已取得突破性进展;整机级互联和系统级互联等电气互联技术已进入应用研究阶段。



  三、 航天科学技术的国内外差距分析






















  四、 2008-2009年我国航天科学技术发展目标





























Space Science and Technology

  After more than 50 years’ development, China’s space science and technology has been applied extensively in many fields, such as national economy, national defense construction, culture, education, and scientific research, and resulted in huge economic and social benefits and exerted a widespread and profound influence on human society and life.

  During the period of 2003-2007, China’s space science and technology has developed rapidly and made significant progress. In the respect of space launcher technology, the Long March series launch vehicles have made more than 100 flights with over 60 consecutive successes, it ranks among the first-class launch vehicles in the world; and the development of the new generation of launch vehicles for the coming 30 to 50 years has made a series of great breakthroughs. In the respect of spacecraft technology, the applied satellites have realized the development based on serialization and common bus with significantly improved reliability and operation lifetime. In the respect of manned spacecraft technology, both Shenzhou-5 and Shenzhou-6 manned spaceflight missions have got complete success; China becomes the third country in the world that has the capability to carry out manned spaceflight independently. In the respect of lunar probe technology, the complete success of China’s first lunar mission marks that China has entered the national club with capability of deep space exploration. In the respect of space launch and TT&C technology, China has successfully carried out the launch and TT&C missions for Shenzhou spaceships, lunar orbiter and various satellites in Earth orbits, provided a strong support for the development of Chinese space industry. In the respect of subsystem and supporting technologies, technologies including vehicle guidance and control, space propulsion, aerodynamics and flight mechanics, space manufacturing process, space materials, and space quality and reliability have been developed smoothly, and laid a solid foundation for the overall development of Chinese space science and technology.

  While Chinese space science and technology has been developed rapidly, the world space science and technology is also made giant strides. It is necessary for us to have a specific and objective understanding of our own technical level and development targets through keeping abreast of the overall development trend of the world space science and technology and analyze the gaps between China and the advanced foreign countries in the various fields of space science and technology so as to realize the leap-forward development of Chinese space science and technology. At present, all the major space powers have worked out their long-term space development planning and increased their investment in space; the United States, Europe and Japan have completed the upgrading and replacement of their heavy launch vehicles, many countries have proposed new launch vehicle development programs and accelerated the development of small launch vehicles; the applied satellites have made great progress, for example, the new Earth observation satellites have been launched, the communications satellites have been upgraded or replaced by the new generation, and the navigation and positioning satellites of three navigation and positioning satellite systems are operating at their own orbits; the United States and Russia are opening up new ways for the development of manned space transportation system and speeding up the construction of the International Space Station (ISS). Significant achievements have been made in the field of deep space exploration, the moon and the Mars will be the long-term emphasis of deep space exploration activities in the future, and new progress will also be made in the planetary exploration. Compared with the advanced countries in the world, Chinese space science and technology still has a long way to go, whether it’s overall development level or its various specific technical fields.

  The period of 2008-2009 is critical for the development of Chinese space science and technology, we further define the main development targets in various technical fields for the coming two years according to the current situation of Chinese space science and technology and the future needs of the country. In the respect the space launcher technology, we should implement the reliability improvement program for the Long March launch vehicles, simplify the launch process, modify the LM-2F launch vehicle, and develop the new generation of launch vehicles and new small liquid launch vehicles as soon as possible. In the respect of spacecraft technology, we should lay emphasis on the super high-resolution Earth observation technology, space communications technology, Beidou-2 regional navigation, and positioning system, make breakthroughs in lunar soft landing, automatic roving survey, and the related technologies, and carry out the research on platform technology. In the respect of manned spacecraft technology, we should master the technology for astronaut Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA), promote the rendezvous docking technology for space vehicles, and make research on space laboratory and space station. In the respect of lunar probe technology, we should solve the problems in key technologies, such as overall concept design and optimization, lunar soft landing technology, lunar roving technology, onboard TT&C communications technology for lunar exploration, and comprehensive electronic technology, which are related to the lunar soft land and rover. In the respect of space launch and TT&C technology, we should solve the problems in key technical area, such as the transportation of large launch vehicles and large mobile launch platform, carry out the research on the launch technology for small launchers with cryogenic propellant and mobile launch mode, strengthen the construction of TT&C communications system, build the integrated TT&C information network, and carry out the research on the modulated/demodulated technology for high-rate data transmission, TT&C information security technology, and TT&C communications equipment. Moreover, we also define the main development targets for space subsystems and supporting technologies in the next two years.

  In the light of Chinese strategic goals of building a well-off society in an all-round way and an innovation-oriented country, we make prospects for the future development of Chinese space science and technology, define the main targets and tasks in the future longer period, and propose the overall development way and measures for realizing the above mentioned targets and tasks. The main targets and tasks for the future development of Chinese space science and technology are following: developing new generation of heavy launch vehicles to enhance space access ability; expanding highly reliable large-capacity communications satellite technology to realize the satellite serialization; burgeoning new remote sensing technology to improve Chinese Earth observation ability; growing the navigation and positioning satellite system through different phases; forming Chinese independent operational satellite navigation and positioning ability; continuing the follow-on manned space program to realize the residence in space; carrying out the second and the third phases of Chinese lunar exploration program; enhancing Chinese capability of space scientific research and deep space exploration; developing further space launch and TT&C technology; and improving the development level of subsystem technology and supporting technology. In order to realize the above mentioned targets and tasks, we must combine the traction force of the national development needs with the motive force of the development of space science and technology closely and adopt the following measures in the future development of Chinese space science and technology, that is, laying emphasis on the top-level design and overall planning to realize the sustainable development, implementing major projects to promote the independent innovation, and increase the whole level of China’s space science and technology; expanding the application scope of space science and technology to improve Chinese ability of operational service and industrialization; intensifying the basic technical research to improve the original innovation ability; facilitating international exchanges and cooperation to enhance Chinese international competitiveness; strengthening the centralized and unified management for Chinese space industry by the government to make use every positive factors. By putting these measures into effect, Chinese space science and technology will have a bright future.

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